The incompetent or the incoherent?
01.10.04 Publication: The Economist
America´s next president The incompetent or the incoherent?With a heavy heart, we think American readers should vote for John Kerry on November...
Read moreThe American presidential choice
Election campaigns are typically occasions when parties promise they will bring changes, all for the better—except the incumbent party, which claims that its...
Read moreA place for reconciliation
Around the beautiful old city of Salzburg in Austria, "the hills are alive with the sound of music", at least according to Julie Andrews´ character in the...
Read moreCorn laws, rice laws and the poor
For almost three years, talks have been going on to try to achieve a new phase of world trade liberalisation—the Doha Development Round, named after the...
Read moreKoizumi faces divisions as traditional role changes
01.07.04 Publication: The Scotsman
Japan´s sun is rising again, after a decade of stagnation, with economic recovery now widely based and quite powerful, even if it is too soon to say...
Read moreThe meaning of a bigger Europe
It is too easy to be complacent about what has just happened in Europe. Ten countries, eight of them from central Europe and so formerly part of the Soviet...
Read moreOptimism, pessimism and terrorism
There are two noticeable divides, these days, in world affairs. One is between those who are essentially optimistic about politics, war, terrorism and economic...
Read moreResign, Rumsfeld
01.05.04 Publication: The Economist
Resign, RumsfeldResponsibility for errors and indiscipline needs to be taken at the top Responsibility for errors and indiscipline...
Read moreBetter impressions of Japan
Bit by bit, step by step, month by month, the worlds opinion of Japan is changing. Such opinions always change even more slowly than the country does itself,...
Read moreComparing Britain and Japan
The question that everyone wants economists to answer, and which even economists would dearly like to be able to offer good answers to, is the question of why...
Read moreThe case for gay marriage
01.02.04 Publication: The Economist
Equal rights The case for gay marriageFeb 26th 2004 From The Economist print editionIt rests on equality, liberty and even...
Read moreJapan´s English lessons
01.01.04 Publication: Foreign Policy
North Korea´s nuclear threat is forcing Japan to choose between two strategic options: draw closer to the United States, or develop a more autonomous and...
Read moreThe rise and fall of the sun
01.09.03 Publication: New Statesman
Is the vacuum of leadership that led Japan astray in the 1930s not also the country´s central political problem today, asks BILL EMMOTT The rise and fall of...
Read moreDear Mr Berlusconi…
01.07.03 Publication: The Economist
Dear Mr Berlusconi...Why we are sending an open letter to the Italian prime minister Why we are sending an open letter to the Italian...
Read moreCapitalism and Democracy
01.06.03 Publication: The Economist
Radical birthday thoughts Our happy 160th anniversary is an unhappy time for capitalism, writes Bill Emmott, editor of The...
Read moreDemocratic revolution
01.06.03 Publication: New Statesman
The past 20 years have seen the growth of a huge global middle class. So George Monbiot is wrong to say that poverty is increasing, and equally wrong in his...
Read moreIf Saddam steps out of line we must go straight to war
01.11.02 Publication: The Guardian
There were three speakers on the panel - an American hawk, a European multilateralist and a Russian liberal MP - but it was the Russian who sprang the...
Read moreAmerica´s world role
01.06.02 Publication: The Economist
Present at the creation For the first time at least since 1989, but arguably since 1945, America has both the chance and the...
Read moreVote conservative
01.05.01 Publication: The Economist
Britain´s election Vote conservativeBut choose the ambiguous right-winger rather than the feeble one THE fact that the most...
Read moreTime for a referendum on the monarchy
01.12.00 Publication: The Guardian
"What, you a republican?!," exploded a Tory peer recently when the subject of the Economist´s anti-monarchical views came up; "but you are intelligent, you...
Read moreThe 20th Century
01.09.99 Publication: The Economist
On the yellow brick road What might the 21st century bring? Some clues can be found by looking at the ebb and flow of the 20th, writes...
Read moreRights For The Right
01.03.97 Publication: Prospect Magazine
Parliamentary sovereignty is not the solution to Britain´s European impasse. Bill Emmott, editor of The Economist, and David Manasian, argue that Thatcherites...
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