Deterrence, Diplomacy and the Risk of Conflict Over Taiwan
Published by IISS/Routledge July 2024. Available from Amazon:
Buy this bookJapan’s Far More Female Future
Until now, Japan’s politics, economy and society have been dominated by men. The future promises to be different, as demographic realities and the growing number of women graduating from higher education since the early 1990s steadily change organisational structures and culture. How well the country adapts to this will determine whether in the 2020s, 30s […]
Read more Buy this bookThe Fate of the West: The Battle to Save the World’s Most Successful Political Idea
In the long aftermath of the worst financial crisis to have hit advanced countries since 1929, liberal ideas have found themselves under threat, from the nationalist, illiberal likes of Donald Trump. But so has the co-operative network of liberal, democratic societies that we call the West, a network of alliances and friendships that was built […]
Read more Buy this bookGood Italy, Bad Italy: Why Italy Must Conquer Its Demons to Face the Future
Once Italy was Europe’s own emerging economy, a society that blended dynamism and super-fast growth with a lifestyle that was the envy of all. Now it is a major threat to the future of the Euro, and of the European Union as a whole, as a political system shorn of credibility struggles to deal with […]
Read more Buy this bookForza, Italia: Come ripartire dopo Berlusconi
My journey to find La Buona Italia, as distinct from La Mala Italia, and to see what can be done to unleash more of the good.
Read more Buy this bookRivals: How the power struggle between China, India and Japan will shape our next decade
The world is changing, as political and economic power shift further towards Asia. In this penetrating book Bill Emmott shows the ways in which our future will be dominated not by one, but by three Asian giants – China, India and a newly resurgent Japan. How will competition between the emergent great powers in the […]
Read more Buy this bookKawaru Sekai, Tachiokureru Nihon (Changing World, Lagging Japan)
Published in February 2010 by PHP – updated version of series of articles published in Voice magazine, July-December 2009.
Buy this bookSekai Choryu no Yomikata or Reading the World’s Currents
A compilation, published in December 2008 by PHP in Japan, of updated columns and articles published in Ushio, Voice, and the Asahi Shimbun, plus one recent article on the global economic crisis from Poder magazine of Miami.
Buy this bookNihon no sentaku or Japan’s Choices
A dialogue with Peter Tasker, a financial strategist, commentator and novelist, about Japan’s future, published by Kodansha International in February 2007.
Buy this bookKorekara ju nen-Nihon no ogonjidai or Japan’s golden age-of the next ten years
A compilation of articles published in Ushio and Voice magazines, published by PHP in October 2006
Buy this bookThe Sun Also Rises
The book version of Bill’s recent Economist survey on Japan, “The Sun Also Rises”, has been published in Japanese by Soshisha under the title “Hiwa Mata Noboru”. Published in February 2006
Buy this book20:21 Vision: Twentieth-Century Lessons for the Twenty-first Century
The attacks on September 11, 2001, shook the rich West out of its complacency; suddenly, peace seemed to be in peril. Already it had become clear that prosperity was endangered. Campaigns were being mounted against the purported evils of capitalist globalization — inequality, pollution, and financial instability — and America’s high-tech stock market boom had […]
Read more Buy this bookKanryo no Taizai or The Bureaucrats’ Deadly Sins
A polemical essay attributing blame for Japan’s 1990s slump on the overly heavy hand of the state. Published in Japanese translation only, by Soshisha in 1996.
Buy this bookJapanophobia: The myth of the invincible Japanese
Published by Times Books in 1993. Explodes the myth of Japan’s sinister global reach, describing how Sony and Matsushita foolishly ceded control of a crucial product to foreigners and how the assault of Japanese firms on Wall Street went awry. 17,500 first printing.
Buy this bookJapan’s Global Reach
Japan’s Global Reach analyzes the future of key Japanese multinationals amid a changing Japan and a rapidly changing world economy. Japan’s Global Reach was published in the United States under the title Japanophobia: The Myth of the Invincible Japanese. Like The Sun Also Sets, the book’s Japanese edition was a bestseller in Japan.
Read more Buy this bookThe Sun Also Sets: The Limits to Japan’s Economic Power
The U.S. harbors increasing unease–and outright hostility–about Japan’s newfound wealth and growing technological dominance. Bill Emmott offers a compelling portrait of modern Japan, and shows why, contrary to currect projections, the Japanese will not retain economic preeminence. Advertising in The Wall Street Journal.
Read more Buy this bookThe Pocket Economist
A guide to economic terms and ideas, co written with Bill’s predecessor as editor of The Economist, Rupert Pennant-Rea. Published by Blackwell’s in 1983
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